EVERY BUILDING HAS A STORY. LET US TELL YOURS. Strachur, Argyll & Bute Baptist Church, Clackmannanshire Milcroft Road, Cumbernauld Helensburgh, Argyll & Bute St Leonard’s Church, Nottinghamshire, England Cardiff, Wales Cremyll Street, Plymouth Cobwebs, Wales Gatehouse Of Fleet Carloway Broch, Isle of Lewis House In The Woods Bethany Hall, Prestwick Old Schoolhouse, East Ayrshire Knapdale, Argyll Lisvane, Cardiff Baptist Church, Glasgow Stewarton, East Ayrshire Keir, Dumfries & Galloway Black Boxes, Wales Gretna, Dumfries Riof, Stornaway Kilmarnock, Ayrshire Bishopton, Glasgow